Our Strategy

MGB Biopharma believes that the antibiotic market for hospital acquired infection has changed dramatically, following major public health initiatives to promote the development of new antibacterials, such as the GAIN Act in the US.

This should provide companies with truly novel products, fast-track development and extended exclusivity periods. MGB Biopharma’s products could provide important and clinically meaningful benefits to an initially small, but significantly growing, patient population suffering from resistant bacterial infections. Resistant bacterial infections have been largely ignored by major pharmaceutical groups in recent years.

MGB Biopharma continues to work closely with the University of Strathclyde to develop the MGB pipeline. It also intends to work with other partners to maximise the value-creating opportunities from its broad platform and to ensure that the Company continues to deliver on its clinical and corporate objectives.

“MGB Biopharma continues to work closely with the University of Strathclyde to develop the MGB pipeline”


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